Wednesday, April 29, 2009

New Floor Pillow

Decided to give a floor pillow a try. I was asked to make them for someone else and haven't heard from her in a while so I am putting them out there and see where they go. The kids next door liked them that's for sure. They used it one night while I was babysitting, gave it a test ride for me. I imagine your dog or cat (kinda big for a cat) will love it to. Although I can't get my own dog on it, she sticks her nose up at it and heads for the bed instead. Choice of three different fabrics, all machine washable, 100% cotton and all made in America, the fabric, labor and pillow. Let me know what you think.

1 comment:

Gretchen the Household Deity said...

Hi Amy-
The best way to find back issues of Burda World of Fashion is on eBay. Sometimes Burda issues magazine patterns as a paper pattern later, but I don't believe that 07-2008-108 (which I coincidentally traced last night!) has been. You could also check etsy.