Oy-what a start to the day-raining, foggy and back to work. Had trouble getting everyone launched this morning-too many problems for 1st thing in the morning. In case you don't know I am a splicing/construction supervisor at a public utility company. Been here a long time and have always loved what I do but lately......
I like sewing better-the machine does not talk back or call in sick. Once in a while it will break a needle in protest but otherwise works well with me. Someday soon I hope to be able to devote way more of my time to sewing, crafting and creating. Speaking of which, since I signed on to the CT Etsy team I am being invited to all kinds of cool markets and fairs. I just know I don't have enough inventory to do them all along with all the ones I had signed up for the fall already. Geez what to do. Guess I will make as much as I can and see what happens. I am real excited about the farmers market, sounds like it could be good. Keep my fingers crossed. OK got to go back to work