Sunday, March 15, 2009

March 15th 2009

Wow just checked my purse on Ebay-it's up to 102.50. I'm impressed. Hope it sends some business my way on top of raising money for the pooches. Didn't get a chance to bring my bags to the dance studio yesterday, spent too long with Dad at the hospital. Well never too long but by the time we left the studio was closed. He was better in that he was up and talking all day but it was nonsense. Funny nonsense, he had us laughing most of the time. I just hope he comes out of this once the medication is backed down. Well that is IF they do something to relieve his pain other than dope him up. Sometimes the situation seems hopeless, other times I have the feeling he will be back home and back to normal soon. I went back after supper last night and we stayed until 10:30. He wouldn't go to sleep, he tried to get up out of bed and Mom wouldn't go home until he was sleeping. The nurse came in and kicked us out. She said she would stay with him until he went to sleep. He is in a bed with an alarm on it if he gets up but he was quick last night, he almost got out before we stopped him. This is so weird in that he was fine last week and now he is a total wreck. I don't know if modern medicine is good or not sometimes.
OK off for my walk with the dog, at least she remains constant-pestering me until we go!

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